Information and communication technologies, also known as ICTs, are part of people's lives.
All of us use them in our personal life.
A digital entrepreneur, must incorporate them into the running of his start-up because they facilitate work, allow tasks to be automated, and give a competitive advantage to the entrepreneur who knows them and can make the most of them.
Health crisis we are suffering due to the Covid-19 and the restrictions on movements have given ICTs a fundamental role in private and family use and above all for digital entrepreneurship.
In this module we show how we can benefit from ICTs in digital entrepreneurship, to find funding for our projects, to communicate effectively with customers and suppliers, to manage our business, and to give an impeccable business image.
For all these objectives, we include information on interesting real and current tools, many of which are free.
Familiarise ICTs as essential tools in digital entrepreneurship.
To know the main types of business tools for
financial management,
business management,
for entrepreneurship promotion and start-up creation,
Communication and branding,
offered by ICTs with real examples of applications and software suites, both paid and free.