TitleGreen Management: Sustainable thinking according to the EntreComp Framework
KeywordsSustainability, green procurement, CSR, green and eco-friendliness, social report, impact assessment
The aim of the module is to introduce the concept of green management in entrepreneurship in order to guide the young farmer to think sustainable. In this paper, we analyse how farm managers develop responsible management competences and how the competences interact with capabilities at the organisational level. The module help young farmer to acquire new knowledge and pratical competences in green management.
This study enables a better understanding of the development of responsible management competences. The module is a specific Training-fiche on environmental competences, which are a type of responsible management competences referring to the managerial skills aimed at improving environmental sustainability of farms.
This training-fiche helps that farm managers who are able to recognize and acquire external knowledge develop environmental competences, and farm organisations capable of assimilating, transforming and exploiting knowledge develop environmental capabilities.
The following Module is divided in 2 parts:
The first part of the course defines Green management, a definition, objectives and principles. After an overall introduction of the concept, the module introduces the concept of green management in agriculture.
The second part of the course defines Green management as a key competence for lifelong learning that can be trained and developed according to the common 'EntreComp' Competence Framework. Specifically, will be introduced the competence called thinking sustainability. Sustainability and sustainability thinking is all about the decision-making process and specifically: how we go about making the decisions that lead to change and positive, long-term outcomes. To truly integrate sustainability, we need it to be ingrained in our decision-making processes.
Contents in bullet points
Green management is a paradigm that includes improving environmental awareness, using energy resources and eco-friendly technologies, reuse of wastes, and recycling activities starting from production activities of businesses to packaging and delivering to consumers;
The aims of green management are to carry out business activities suitable for environment, to protect environment and to provide a perpetual development in aims, visions, targets, business functions, organization structure, functions, production processes, organization culture of the businesses and the businesses should regulate their activities by attaching importance on and fronting preference of technologies used in the business suitable for sustainability principle;
The science of applying principles of ecology to agriculture is called agroecology. Those involved in agroecology develop farming methods that use fewer synthetic (man-made) pesticides and fertilizers and encourage organic farming. They also work to conserve energy and water.
Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. Think sustainably means reflecting on how sustainable long-term social, cultural and economic goals are and what approach should be taken to achieve the greatest possible sustainability. Acting in accordance with the principle of sustainability aims to use resources in such a way that the environment can regenerate itself as naturally as possible and the world society is shaped in a way that is worth living.
Contents Green management: Sustainable thinking according to the EntreComp Framework
- Acquire new knowledges and pratical competences in green management
The aim of the moduleis to introduce the concept of green management in entrepreneurship in order to guide the young farmer to thinksustainable. In this paper, weanalysehow farm managers developresponsible management competences and how the competencesinteract with capabilities at the organisationallevel.
• Green Management can be defined as “the management of the interaction and impact of human activities on the natural environment”.
• Green management further aims to ensure that ecosystem services and biodiversity are protected and maintained for equitable use by future human generations, and also, maintain ecosystem integrity as an end in itself by taking into consideration ethical, economic, and scientific (ecological) variables.
Fouraimsare determined for adopting green management by businesses:
1. Organizationsshoulddetermine and control the effects of their activities to environment.
2. Organizationsshouldestablishenvironment management system and should include environmentpolitics, programs and aims.
3. Top manager shouldcontainenvironmentprotection and continuesdevelopment by definingenvironmentpolitic of the organization.
4. Organizationsshould be aware of social responsibilitiesaboutenvironment and shouldtraintheirpersonnelasenvironmentally-conscious.
The aims of green management are to carry out business activities suitable for environment, to protectenvironment and to provide a perpetualdevelopment in aims, visions, targets, business functions, organizationstructure, functions, production processes, organization culture of the businesses and the businesses shouldregulatetheir activities by attachingimportance on and frontingpreference of technologiesused in the business suitable for sustainabilityprinciple.
ISO 14000 is a set of rules and standards created to help companies reduce industrial waste and environmentaldamage. It's a framework for betterenvironmental impact management, butit'snotrequired. Companies can get ISO 14000 certified, butit's an optional certification;
• More and more researchers, activists and agronomists are advocating for a redefinition of the agricultural principles of our society in order to produce a more responsible and resilient farming system.
• Agroecology tries to meet this need because it aims to produce a more sustainable and ecological farming system.
• The agro-ecologyis to be studiedas an integral part of the system of farm management (along with the management of production, laour, finance, innovation, inputs supply, marketing) and the system of eco-management in the society.
• The European Commission hasdevelopedEntreComp: the EuropeanEntrepreneurship Competence Frameworkas a reference framework to explainwhatismeant by an entrepreneurialmindset.
• EntreCompoffers a comprehensivedescription of the knowledge, skills and attitudesthat people need to be entrepreneurial and create financial, cultural or social value for others.
• EntreCompis a common reference frameworkthatidentifies15 competencesin three key areasthatdescribewhatitmeans to be entrepreneurial.
• In the area called “Ideas and opportunities” one strategic of the competences listed is “Ethical and Sustainable thinking”.To be able to thinkethical and sustainablemeans to assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities and actions.
• Ethical and sustainable thinking is a matter of the attitudes, behaviours, values and mindsetthat an entrepreneurshouldhave to take ethicaldecisions and act sustainably
Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
Think sustainably means reflecting on how sustainable long-term social, cultural and economic goals are and what approach should be taken to achieve the greatest possible sustainability.
• Climate change, the destruction of biodiversity, the hole in the ozone layer, overfishing of the oceans are just some of the consequences of human activity that must be countered by sustainable thinking and development. Therefore, sustainable development is probably the most important issue for civil society in the 21st century.
• Acting in accordance with the principle of sustainability aims to use resources in such a way that the environment can regenerate itself as naturally as possible and the world society is shaped in a way that is worth living
Similar as an ethical decision making, sustainability-oriented entrepreneurs assess the consequences of ideas that bring value and the effect of entrepreneurial action on the target community, the market, society and especially the environment.
When a company integratessustainabilityintotheirstrategic plan, they are gaining a betterunderstanding of whatliesahead. Thinking into the foreseeable future and exploringhowtheymightsatisfy production needsfiveyears down the road encourages planners to thinkaboutalternatives to ensurethattheiroperations are built to last.
• Becoming sustainable means a reduction in energy usage;
• More efficiency often means less waste…
• …which means less pollution;
• Sustainable practices usually mean an overall reduction of operating costs;
• Sustainability can, and will, factor heavily into buying decisions in the future.
Source: Resource management Associate
Akyay Uygur, Berat Yasin Musluk , Nail Ilbey, Examining the influence of green management on operation functions: case of a business, Research Journal of Business and Management, 2015;
Lourenço, F., Jones, O., & Jayawarna, D. (2013). Promoting sustainable development: The role of entrepreneurship education. International Small Business Journal, 31(8), 841-865.
Mitisha Spaans, Green Management: Principles and Examples, http://flemingcsr.blogspot.com/2011/02/green-management-principles-and.html
Rick Welsh, Environmental management strategies in agriculture, Article in Agriculture and Human Values · September 2011
Green Management: Sustainable thinking according to the EntreComp Framework
Sustainability, green procurement, CSR, green and eco-friendliness, social report, impact assessment
The first part of the course defines Green management, a definition, objectives and principles. After an overall introduction of the concept, the module introduces the concept of green management in agriculture.
The second part of the course defines Green management as a key competence for lifelong learning that can be trained and developed according to the common 'EntreComp' Competence Framework. Specifically, will be introduced the competence called thinking sustainability. Sustainability and sustainability thinking is all about the decision-making process and specifically: how we go about making the decisions that lead to change and positive, long-term outcomes. To truly integrate sustainability, we need it to be ingrained in our decision-making processes.
Green management is a paradigm that includes improving environmental awareness, using energy resources and eco-friendly technologies, reuse of wastes, and recycling activities starting from production activities of businesses to packaging and delivering to consumers;
The aims of green management are to carry out business activities suitable for environment, to protect environment and to provide a perpetual development in aims, visions, targets, business functions, organization structure, functions, production processes, organization culture of the businesses and the businesses should regulate their activities by attaching importance on and fronting preference of technologies used in the business suitable for sustainability principle;
The science of applying principles of ecology to agriculture is called agroecology. Those involved in agroecology develop farming methods that use fewer synthetic (man-made) pesticides and fertilizers and encourage organic farming. They also work to conserve energy and water.
Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. Think sustainably means reflecting on how sustainable long-term social, cultural and economic goals are and what approach should be taken to achieve the greatest possible sustainability. Acting in accordance with the principle of sustainability aims to use resources in such a way that the environment can regenerate itself as naturally as possible and the world society is shaped in a way that is worth living.
Green management: Sustainable thinking according to the EntreComp Framework
Green management
Objectives and Goals
At the end of this module you will be able to:
- Acquire new knowledges and pratical competences in green management
The aim of the module is to introduce the concept of green management in entrepreneurship in order to guide the young farmer to think sustainable. In this paper, we analyse how farm managers develop responsible management competences and how the competences interact with capabilities at the organisational level.
An Introduction
• Green Management can be defined as “the management of the interaction and impact of human activities on the natural environment”.
Four aims are determined for adopting green management by businesses:
The aims of green management are to carry out business activities suitable for environment, to protect environment and to provide a perpetual development in aims, visions, targets, business functions, organization structure, functions, production processes, organization culture of the businesses and the businesses should regulate their activities by attaching importance on and fronting preference of technologies used in the business suitable for sustainability principle.
ISO 14000 environmental management
ISO 14000 is a set of rules and standards created to help companies reduce industrial waste and environmental damage. It's a framework for better environmental impact management, but it's not required. Companies can get ISO 14000 certified, but it's an optional certification;
Green management in Agriculture
• Agroecology tries to meet this need because it aims to produce a more sustainable and ecological farming system.
• The agro-ecology is to be studied as an integral part of the system of farm management (along with the management of production, laour, finance, innovation, inputs supply, marketing) and the system of eco-management in the society.
Sustainable Thinking
EntreComp, an introduction
Ethical and sustainable thinking
• In the area called “Ideas and opportunities” one strategic of the competences listed is “Ethical and Sustainable thinking”. To be able to think ethical and sustainable means to assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities and actions.
• Ethical and sustainable thinking is a matter of the attitudes, behaviours, values and mindset that an entrepreneur should have to take ethical decisions and act sustainably
Think sustainably: a definition
Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
Think sustainably means reflecting on how sustainable long-term social, cultural and economic goals are and what approach should be taken to achieve the greatest possible sustainability.
Think sustainably: why it matters?
• Climate change, the destruction of biodiversity, the hole in the ozone layer, overfishing of the oceans are just some of the consequences of human activity that must be countered by sustainable thinking and development. Therefore, sustainable development is probably the most important issue for civil society in the 21st century.
• Acting in accordance with the principle of sustainability aims to use resources in such a way that the environment can regenerate itself as naturally as possible and the world society is shaped in a way that is worth living
Sustainability as a guideline
Similar as an ethical decision making, sustainability-oriented entrepreneurs assess the consequences of ideas that bring value and the effect of entrepreneurial action on the target community, the market, society and especially the environment.
When a company integrates sustainability into their strategic plan, they are gaining a better understanding of what lies ahead. Thinking into the foreseeable future and exploring how they might satisfy production needs five years down the road encourages planners to think about alternatives to ensure that their operations are built to last.
Source: Resource management Associate