SEAH Learning Corner opened to Architecture and Construction Erasmus+ students, lectures and general public in five languages
Project partners amazed and proud to launch the innovative language didactic units they authored in Spanish, Russian, German, Italian and French.
The SEAH didactic units -5 for each language and in total 25- have been open to public and are currently available in the ‘Language Course’ section of the SEAH OER Platform:
The qualified team from Università degli Studi 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Masaryk University, Polotsk State University and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Internet Web Solutions authored the units in Italian, French, Spanish, German and Russian in order to address the entire EU geographic area covered by the consortium and even further away, thanks to the availability of Russian contents that helps to spread the project impact also in non-EU areas.
There are no dedicated platforms and free multilingual educational tools in the field of Architecture and Construction suited to the needs of users. The contents have been designed by experts in each training area after a careful needs analysis and continuous interdisciplinary consultations with a final thorough and effective fine-tuning.
Each course is accompanied by an introductory video and an audio description and automatic reading of the texts and activities, so as to be accessible for the visually impaired.
Digital and green are the fundamental pillars of the European Green Deal's objectives and guidelines that focus on sustainability and the use of digital.
The SEAH Platform is totally designed and architected to maximize digital: in fact, there is no need to print any resources in hard copy format; on the contrary, each unit includes activities such as listening to text, True or False exercises, Translation, Linguistic reflections, Glossary flashcards/ crosswords/ matching pictures to the corresponding definition and even more.
Enjoy the Language courses: