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    Curricula voor digitale en ondernemerscompententies

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Bucolico Training

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Gaming, foreign languages, children, education




At the end of 2016 two youngs set up a company to launch their product called "HeroMask", a solution for children to learn languages through play.

The idea for the project comes from two Andalusian boys Carlos and Mario who, working as Spanish and English teacher in China, observed that they devoted more than half of the class to teach vocabulary to children, without playing. They came up with the need for a toy with which the children could learn vocabulary at home while they are playing.

This led them to attend the first "Google for Entrepeneurs Startup Weekend Education" organised in Spain in 2014.

"HeroMask", virtual reality glasses, a combination of toy and educational video game, for learning languages. It is the first toy based on a shooting game (shooter). It is a personalised virtual reality pair of glasses, designed for language learning and, more specifically, for vocabulary in different languages, aimed at children between the ages of 8 and 12.



“We will continue to strive with great joy that here in Andalusia we know very well that effort is not the same as suffering. And that being serious is not the same as being boring” write the two founders in their website.

Since 2016 EducaInventions has been housed at the Andalusian Centre for Entrepreneurship (CADE) in Málaga, to which submitted a 3-year business plan and received public funding to finance the project.



The VR goggles can also be used by the whole family to watch videos or play other virtual reality video games. In fact, the built-in mechanical button has been improved (no batteries required and the VR headset has an Interpupillary adjustment (fits both kids and adults).

“My son is using them everywhere so he is learning and acquiring vocabulary in German and Chinese. I am sure he will never forget it because he is learning and playing at the same time” says a satisfied dad.



“According to a study carried out by ABA English, Andalusia is the Spanish location where English is spoken the least, since 38% of Andalusians admit to having only the most basic level, recording the highest percentage in Spain” argues the founders.

“That’s why we invested in the education of children” they concluded.



What makes Heromask special is that it is focused on the interests of the child.

The success of this product lies in five fundamental characteristics:

Neuroeducation: the emotions aroused by action video games make the brain store information more effectively.

Commitment: the game has been created by a former language teacher who has spent more than 3 years working intensely on it until he has created something super attractive for children.

Montessori Pedagogy: we start with a type of video game that we know will interest and motivate children between the ages of 5 and 12, isolating difficulty, encouraging repetition, learning by exploration, autonomy, independence and freedom of choice (you don't need the adult to learn, that raises your self-esteem and motivates you).

Language immersion and learning by discovery: it is the natural way to learn. Virtual reality also ensures that there are no distractions during the game.

Special needs: it is also working with children with learning difficulties such as autism, dyslexia or hearing problems. Ask us for more information.



Heromask is sold online. In the emerging global economy, eCommerce has increasingly become a vital component of business strategy and a solid catalyst for economic development.

From startups to small and medium-sized businesses right through to huge brands, there are a large number of companies that can benefit from their own online store, where they can sell their own products/services.

 Aanverwant trainingsmateriaal

Bucolico Consortium

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Erasmus +

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